My dream is to become a published author. In order to do this I must write regularly, ideally daily.

As it is, on any given day I might be composing words for my fortnightly U3A writing class. I might be transcribing and editing a biography for Beyond Words. I might be working on homework for my latest writing course – I am addicted to writing courses. Or I might be sending off another verbose email to a neglected friend.

I attend two regular writing groups and also participate in (cherry-pick might be more honest) three (monthly) book clubs. This is the joy of my current existence.

My plan is to complete a family memoir incorporating my grandmother’s manuscript. However, if I am to get really serious about my writing goal, I must develop a profile on the World Wide Web.

I love reading and therefore will review books that thrilled or moved me. I will do the same for films – often the visual of the written.

So first I must set up a ‘website’. And before that I need a ‘name’. From digressive rambling to warbles to more serious communication, I want to choose an identity that resonates with readers, yet allows me some space to grow. Also I need a ‘graphic’ image that supports the character of my message. This ‘site’ must connect with other ‘platforms’ in order for it to be meaningful.

Sadly I have been a laggard when it comes to social media. I was a reluctant user of LinkedIn, I avoided Facebook (for its egotism), I did not follow Twitter (although ironically the Trump factor has provoked my curiosity) and became frustrated with remembering yet another password for Instagram.

Then my brother invited me to join his links to Facebook Messaging. I declined – via ordinary email. He text-messaged me: what about Instagram? Why, I re-joined. It keeps you in the loop, he replied. I know this is a lazy shortcut to good old-fashioned conversation. However, for the sake of my craft, I am breaking out. Nail biting stuff.

Now this is where it gets technical. I have registered with and created a new email that incorporates the name of my blog. My username reiterates my blog name. It would help if my password were somehow related, making it easier for me to remember. The email address I choose will not be publicly displayed. The primary site will incorporate the name of my blog immediately followed by dot wordpress dot com, all in lower case with no spaces. This will be shown publicly.

But before I do this I must write a profile for the ‘About Me’ section. This needs to let readers know what I am doing.

It is suggested that before I do this I need to at least open a Twitter Account.

I can see too that I should get on board with Facebook! OK, one step at a time.

As Christopher Breach wrote in The Victorian Writer Feb-Mar 2017, “… it takes dedication to give up your life in pursuit of a dream.”